Khamis, 13 Ogos 2009

"Makan Ular"

Malam tadi saya tonton rancangan Asia Food Channel.
Masakan yang berasal daripada Vietnam.
Ada satu part tu pengacara memakan masakan daripada ular tedung...
Jantung ular ditelan mentah dalam keadaan jantung ular itu masih berdegup.
Dagingya dibuat sup, Kulitnya digoreng, Tulang juga digoreng dan darahnya diminum terus...
Masyarakat vietnam mempercayai dengan memakan ular tedung boleh menambahkan tenaga...
Errmmm... boleh difikir-fikirkan....

2 ulasan:

  1. salam, Ya akhii, nak fikir2 apa lagi?? akhii, kita orang Islam kena fikir halal , haram, atau shubhah,.... cuma bila dah emergency/dharurat syar'ii baru le boleh makan ular .....
    So id future please be careful and be more specific in your comments on any topics/ tv programmes/ concerning food, drinks and anything that we as Muslims consume in our daily lives. Please take note there are many levels of understandings regarding halal/haram/syubhah in our consumptions of food/ drinks etc. amongs muslims.
    I hope you go and check this website regarding IMP (I am sure you know what it means)and hope you can learn something new from it. Iam sending this comment as thought by our peophet WAL' ASR....INNAL INSANA LAFI KHUSRIN.

  2. I would like to adda to my previous comment. please check this very important website
    As Muslims we should be more careful in using our words especially in public because the public has many levels of understanding about halal/haram/syubhah.
